Leciri, Paltano System

Planet NameLeciri, Paltano System
Stellar ClassificationYellow Main-Sequence
Habitability GradeA2
Orbital Period423 Days
Rotational Period26 Hours
CapitalParvo Vera
Population8 million (circa 31145), 22 million [est.] (circa 31152), 0 (circa 31154)

Leciri is a moderately sized planet situated perfectly within its parent star's habitability zone. Located in the central core of the Frontier, only a few parsecs from Gela, the planet was originally overlooked for habitation, as those colonists looking for comfort settled on that world, while those eager for more remote climes headed deeper into the Frontier.

The planet itself looks lush and vibrant from space, but the first Umbrian explorers found that the planet's vegetation concentrated around a few inland seas, while the remainder of the planet was carpeted in several specimens of drought resistant algae.

Cloud formation was confined to a few months out of the year, when the planet was brought closest to its star by its elliptical orbit. In these summer months, water frozen at the poles would evaporate and get sucked up into the atmosphere, resulting in several weeks of monsoon-like rain.

The algae covering most of the surface would trap as much water as possible before the runoff would collect in normally dry river beds and deposit the water back in its seas or near the planet's poles.

While not heavily settled, Leciri steadily, albeit slowly, expanded its population. The Reaction Force established a base on the world, Castra Clatudo, which it would use as a staging ground for its patrols in the Frontier.

Life on Leciri would remain quiet for decades, and even the arrival of the Ascomanni would not bring about much by way of immediate change.

However, as the pace of the alien invasion intensified, more and more refugees were driven back from the edges of the Republic, and many found temporary shelter on Leciri.

Their respite would be short lived. In 31152, the planet was attacked. Its small garrison managed to slow the assault, but could not contain the enemy forever. They managed to hold out just long enough for the Republic to launch a counter attack, which saw the evacuation of the remaining civilian population.

The cost would be high. Praetor Taurus, who had commanded his legions in numerous battles since the fall of Battipaglia, would be killed in action. Civilian deaths were also estimated in the millions.

Leciri would be abandoned by the Republic, a grim reminder of the bloody conflict which crept ever closer to the Republic's core.


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