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Comms Intercepts Kaiyos Lex Comms Intercepts Kaiyos Lex

The Republic is Being Decieved!

Triumvir Decius,

My name is Titus Calpurnius, and I currently serve as a Prefect in the Reaction Force. I understand that it is highly irregular that I reach out to you directly sir, but there is a matter that I must bring to your attention, one that would never be properly socialized by following the chain of command.

Magistrate Genicius is lying about the attack on Battipaglia and his response.

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Comms Intercepts Kaiyos Lex Comms Intercepts Kaiyos Lex

Green Light to Establish Colonial Militia

Prefect Erucia,

I just finished speaking with Triumvir Ulpius. He is confident that we have the votes in the Senate to secure funding for our program. You have the green light to begin training a civilian militia of up to four thousand members. I've already submitted procurement orders for the arms and armor needed to outfit this force.

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