Local Governance

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Each system colonized by the Umbrian Republic has a chief executive responsible for the management of that solar system, whether the Umbrian presence includes terrestrial colonies on habitable worlds or isolated stations and outposts located near valuable resources.

This magistrate is known as the Viceroy, who is appointed by the Senate and is responsible directly to the Triumvirate. Their administration is overseen by the Colonial Affairs Commission, or CAC, an organization empaneled by the Senate to ensure effective governance as the colony takes root.

For colonies where a local biosphere supports Umbrian life, there is a well-defined process to move from the technocratic administration of the Viceroy to a democratic, representative government for the planet.

This process can only begin after the planet has achieved self-sufficiency and a pleblecite has been held to formally approve the beginning of the process. From this point, the Viceroy will officially petition the Senate for full recognition, which must then be reviewed and approved within six months of submission.

This is a pro-forma step, as the stated desires of the colonial public are sufficient to grant their world the status of full membership in the Republic. While the Senate is incapable of denying a petitioning colony, they can slow the process by delaying a vote on the request to the maximum limit allowed by law.

Once all the formalities are out of the way, the planet's populace will be able to establish their own constitution and form of government. This effort is overseen by a special delegation of experts dispatched by the Senate to assist in the process and ensure the newly formed charter does not conflict with the rights and obligations enshrined in the Republic's constitution and common law.

The Republic's constitution allows for a wide range of configurations, so long as they respect their citizens' rights. Unitary executives and bicameral legislatures are just as common as the mirroring of the Republic's tri-party executive and unicameral Senate.

With the government's future structure defined, elections are held, and the initial representatives of the body politic take their places. This is an occasion for celebration, and dignitaries from across the Republic will appear to celebrate the world's ascension.

Finally, with its government in place, the colony will be eligible to elect a Senator at the next scheduled election, completing the process of integrating the world into the Republic proper.

For those systems which do not contain habitable worlds, governance will remain centralized with mixed opportunities for community participation. Often derisively called second class settlements, the different standards which apply to these systems are a part of a longstanding tradition, stemming from the dawn of the Republic’s expansion. The Republic defines the settlement of any system incapable of naturally supporting Umbrian habitation as inherently impermanent, as the colony’s sustainability is dependent on outside resources. This also prohibits ‘gaming the system’ by creating settlements in undesirable solar systems purely for the ability to obtain representation in the Senate.

In these instances, the position of Viceroy will remain the chief executive for the entirety of the colony's existence. Devolution of local governance will depend entirely on the sitting Viceroy’s willingness to share power or consider outside opinions. The local inhabitants are granted some enhanced privileges as a result, including the opportunity to submit grievances to the CAC or to request the Senate withdrawal and replace a sitting Viceroy. This process can prove to be lengthy though, and does not always provide immediate relief from misrule.

While this practice works well in theory for small outposts in isolated corners of the Republic, the temptations of power can be hard for some of these technocrats to resist. Cases of exploitation and corruption remain rare, but some have begun to call for the Senate to create a new path forward for these colonists, which recognizes an opportunity for self-rule without elevating them to the status of full member world.


The Umbrian Republic


The Triumvirate