The Umbrian Republic Military
Confident that they would inevitably encounter alien life in the vast expanses of the greater galaxy, the Umbrian Republic saw the maintenance of a strong military as a prudent step to safeguard their society. With the sudden and unprovoked attack by the Ascomanni, that prudence would ensure that the Republic did not immediately succumb to their alien adversaries.
The military itself was split into two branches with different missions: the Magistracies of the Army and the Navy. Their areas of responsibility would be split by the types of fighting they were expected to do and the environments in which they would do it.
All terrestrial combatants would be organized through the Army's structures, regardless of the nature of the equipment used. This meant that waterborne and airborne forces reported to Army officers, even as their operations and structure mirrored those of their Navy counterparts.
The Umbrian Republic Navy, or URN, in turn, would be responsible for space bound operations. This included the operation of all warships, support vessels, and starfighters, as well as the maintenance of all space-based facilities. Outside of its security troopers, the Navy did not maintain infantry or marine forces, as boarding actions were considered too dangerous and farfetched to merit serious consideration.
Both before and after the start of hostilities, the Army retained a position of preeminence over the Navy. The various fleets composing the URN would be led by their own commanders, but they would be subordinate to the army group leader they supported.
This would lead to strong inter-branch rivalries, which frequently spilled into violent confrontations. The Army viewed the Navy as its personal transportation service, while the Navy saw itself as an elite force requiring only the most highly skilled recruits, and therefore superior to the everyday rank and file that made up the Army's legions.