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Encyclopedia, Technology Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Technology Kaiyos Lex

Fuel Refining

Even with the ever diminishing size of power plants, the energy needs of the Republic's advanced technologies continue to require the abundant availability of cheap and efficient fuel. These fuel sources take two forms: the first being used to power the fusion reactors which are ubiquitous across the Umbrian technological landscape, and the second being antimatter, the exotic particle whose energetic reaction when combined with normal mass is necessary to support supra-luminal travel.

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Encyclopedia, Technology Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Technology Kaiyos Lex


The state of Umbrian shipbuilding at the onset of the war was woefully unsuitable for the large scale production of warships. The Republic's shipbuilders utilized a decentralized network of small to medium sized yards to produce commercial vessels and the frigates and destroyers which made up the bulk of the URN at the start of the conflict. Only a few specialized facilities existed to produce larger ship classes, and these were quickly overwhelmed with new demand.

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