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Encyclopedia, Planets Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Planets Kaiyos Lex

Aurae, Safe Haven

In a relatively empty corner of space just beyond Tratirne, the Umbrian Republic navy happened across a system with tremendous value: a blue supergiant, almost magenta to the naked eye, with a single planet and an expansive debris belt. The planet, named Aurae, contained rich quantities of helium three, while its moons had properties that made them conductive to Umbrian settlement.

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Encyclopedia, Planets Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Planets Kaiyos Lex

Asciano, Sechina System

Despite its inability to support life, Asciano has the unique distinction, for better or for worse, of being one of the most well-known planets in the Frontier. It is considered the greatest boondoggle in Umbrian Republic history or, alternatively, a testament to Umbrian ingenuity and willingness to push the boundaries of science.

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Encyclopedia, Planets Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Planets Kaiyos Lex

Anconna, Nuberato System

'A swirling vortex of heat and smog.' Those were the words originally used to describe Anconna, and they were a fair initial assessment of the tempestuous world. A near miss from a habitability standpoint, it orbits too close to its parent red giant. The world's environment likely changed dramatically as its parent star evolved, but any trace of a less brutal past have long since been swept away by the forces of the planet's crushing atmosphere or its active vulcanism.

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Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex

URA Tactics and Strategies

As the war with the Ascomanni progressed, the URA’s tactics and strategies were refined to give the forces of the Republic the greatest chance possible to overcome the advantages held by their adversaries. These would focus on making the most of their available forces, while misleading the enemy to the greatest extent possible.

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Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex

URA Rank Structure

The Army's officer corps is divided into four primary ranks and a number of specialized secondary ranks. Every officer graduated from one of a handful of military academies, specialized universities which prepared their candidates for the role of leading soldiers in battle.

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