AFS Loses Contact with Frontier Settlement

Axios Frontier Solutions - Thumb.png

Perugia, Umbria

13.07.31148 13:41 UMT

Axios Frontier Solutions submitted a Form-423d regulatory filing to the Colonial Affairs Commission today, informing the CAC that they had lost contact with their facilities on the distant Frontier world of Battipaglia. 

As the Republic's corporate presence expands deeper into the Frontier, Senate regulations require all corporations operating in the region to notify the Commission of any disruptions to regular communication within twenty-four hours of the last received transmission.

AFS sees great promise in the largely arboreal world, and is the colony's largest employer, employing approximately half of the world's population of two hundred thousand. The company has focused on timber, finding the native trees to produce durable and visually appealing outputs which can be marketed as paneling or other elements for luxury finishes.

Axios has released a statement saying: "While the disruption in communication is an inconvenience for Battipaglia's inhabitants, there is no reason at this time to believe this outage represents anything more than a technical issue. We expect no impacts to production, and for the problem to be resolved shortly."

The market's reaction to news of the filing has been relatively muted. Communications problems are not uncommon in the Frontier, and Battipaglia's position as the newest and furthest habitable planet to be colonized have helped to shape the perception of normality surrounding the event.

While the regulatory filing must be submitted to the CAC, the actual work of bringing the colony back online would fall to the technical specialists of the Frontier Reaction Force.

When asked to comment on the matter, a RF spokesperson said that they were "aware of and monitoring the situation." They further stated that there were standard protocols to govern this type of event, and if the colony was unable to restore communication on its own, a team would be dispatched to facilitate any repairs that may be required.


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