Request for Immediate Extraction

The Frontier Reaction Force - Thumb.jpg

Subject: Request for Immediate Extraction

Location: Battipaglia Prime, Battipaglia

Classification: Top Secret, Codephrase Upsilon

Source: UMBINT - Agent Felix

Date: 09.08.31148 21:38 UMT

Unidentified Reaction Force Soldier: "…need immediate support! They just poured out of the tree line! We've lost contact with teams three and-"

Prefect Titus Calpurnius: "Slow down soldier, who am I talking to?"


T. Calpurnius: "Hello, can you hear me? Rapid Response teams, is anyone on this channel?"

Unidentified Reaction Force Soldier: "Prefect Calpurnius, this is Centurion Novius, we've been cut off from Prefect Festus. Contact code Six Gamma Twenty-Two Omega, extra-terrestrial hostiles confirmed. We're being torn apart down here, we need gunfire support!"

T. Calpurnius: "Centurion, what is your location? Where is Prefect Festus?"

Novius: "We were approaching… Festus was with the vanguard when…"

[Gunfire and muffled screams]

T. Calpurnius: "Novius, repeat your last. What is your location?"


T. Calpurnius: "Centurion Novius?"

T. Calpurnius: "Damnit, is anyone reading me? What the fuck is going on down there?!"

Unidentified Reaction Force Soldier: "Prefect Calpurnius, this is Centurion Laris Pontius. Prefect Festus has been gravely wounded. We've stabilized him for now, but he needs a higher quality of care if he's going to survive."

T. Calpurnius: "Gods… Pontius, are you in a secure location? What is the situation on the ground?"

L. Pontius: "We're currently holding a two block area in the ruins of the city. I've got less than forty effectives with me. We haven't made contact with any of the other teams."


L. Pontius: "Prefect, are you still there?"

T. Calpurnius: "…Yes. Can… Can you secure an LZ for extraction?"

L. Pontius: "We'll do our best. There's still a lot of activity beyond the city limits, but we've not had any hostiles probe our perimeter."

T. Calpurnius: "A corvette will be on the scene in fifteen minutes to retrieve you and your soldiers."

L. Pontius: "What about the others? We can't just leave them behind!"

T. Calpurnius: "Fine, we'll hold for as long as we can, but at the first sign of the enemy we're departing."

L. Pontius: "You fucking coward! There are two thousand soldiers out there! They need your help!"

T. Calpurnius: "We're outmatched and vulnerable here Centurion. I'll give you as long as I can, but I will not jeopardize my own force. We must get word back to the rest of the Republic."

L. Pontius: "But…" [An explosion rumbles in the distance]  "I understand... Please be quick. Prefect Festus's condition is worsening."


Discussion Between the Triumvirs


AFS Loses Contact with Frontier Settlement