Discussion Between the Triumvirs

The Triumvirate - Thumb.png

Subject: Discussion Between the Triumvirs

Location: The Triumvirates' Quarters, Capitol Hall; Perugia, Umbria

Classification: Top Secret: Code Phrase Upsilon

Source: UMBINT; Agent Magnus

Date: 13.08.31148 09:56 UMT

A. Eppia: "We cannot keep this news a secret! The Oracle warned us that this day would come. We cannot expect this storm to merely pass us by!"

V. Sestius: "Eppia, I understand, but what would a public announcement do at this point? It would only incite panic. We must find out what we are truly dealing with so that we can arm the people with facts, not wild accusations from terrified survivors!"

A. Eppia: "Accusations? A colony has be destroyed Vibius!"

V. Sestius: "I apologize, I did not mean to suggest that the information from the Reaction Force should be treated as suspect, merely that it is far from complete."

K. Ulpius: "I agree with Sestius, Eppia. While transparency may be a laudatory objective in normal times, no government could run successfully without some level of secrecy, and managing how the Republic reacts to this news is of vital importance if we are to ensure stability and order are maintained."

A. Eppia: "I simply cannot believe what I am hearing. For centuries, we have hidden our true nature from our people. The time has come for the truth to be revealed. The Republic is ready."

V. Sestius: "You go too far Aula. We will eventually reveal the conflict with this alien force to the public, but the revelation of the Oracle is too much!"

A. Eppia: "And what will we do when they begin piecing the puzzle together on their-"

V. Sestius: "What you're proposing will only further alienate people from our leadership, precisely at the time when a strong hand is most needed!"

K. Ulpius: "I know these are challenging times Sestius, but please, we must approach this matter with calm collection. Aula, I agree with Vibius. Our ancestors have been preparing the Republic for first contact for centuries. We have never shied away from the fact that we were likely not alone in the cosmos, and we have used that argument to prepare to the best of our ability."

A. Eppia: "But Archus Bantia has made a compelling case that we aren't-"

K. Ulpius: "While I respect and appreciate the Archus's service, she has her own interests and agenda. There is no reason to believe that we are incapable of meeting this foe with our existing military resources, especially given the simplistic and brutish tactics these aliens have employed so far. "

V. Sestius: "I know this decision weighs heavily on you Eppia, but Kaeso speaks the truth. We must gather what information we can, and put our trust in those we've trained to protect us. Praetor Taurus has already been informed, and his legions are assembling even as we speak under a tight communications embargo."

[A long pause]

A. Eppia: "So this is your decision then?"

K. Ulpius: "Yes."

A. Eppia: "I cannot agree, but… I will not oppose you either. Now more than ever we need to stand together. I pray the gods grant us favor, for we will surely need it."


Meeting at Villa Decii


Request for Immediate Extraction