Meeting at Villa Decii

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Subject: Meeting at Villa Decii

Location: Villa Decii, Perugia, Umbria

Classification: Top Secret, Codephrase Upsilon

Source: UMBINT; Agent Oculus

Date: 14.08.31148 13:42 UMT

P. Decius: "So you've been able to confirm the details then?"

Unknown Associate [UA]: "Yes sir, the information is reliable. I'd trust my source with my life."

P. Decius: "Gods… The whole colony is gone?"

UA: "That's what it looks like. The RF deployed the entire Quick Response force to the planet. They were almost completely wiped out."

P. Decius: "That doesn't make sense. I know Opiter Genicius. He's not the type to rush headfirst into a dangerous situation. There must be more going on here."

UA: "I know the two of you have a past sir, but no matter what way you slice this, it doesn't look good for RF Command."

P. Decius: "Damnit Opiter, what have you gotten yourself into… And we're sure the threat is extraterrestrial in origin?"

UA: "Yes. The description provided by survivors is pretty terrifying. Muscular brutes; bigger and faster than us. Apparently keen on closing with the enemy and tearing them apart with their bare hands. I'm sure some of that's been exaggerated by the stresses of combat, but there's probably a lot of truth to go with the rumor and myth."

P. Decius: "And the military's response?"

UA: "Readying a task force now. They've mobilized the entirety of the First and Third fleets. Praetor Taurus has been tapped to lead the expedition."

P. Decius: "Taurus is a good man, a good leader. However, if I were a hostile alien force, I'd be using this first engagement to feel out my enemy, understand his tactics. They'll likely seek to draw out the battle for as long as they can."

UA: "So what are you going to do then sir?"

P. Decius: "The only Triumvir worth a damn is Eppia. I wouldn't be surprised if the government's response is dictated by the other two. I'd wager good money that their first reaction will be to suppress any and all news of the incident."

UA: "You're dodging the question sir. There's only eight more weeks to file. If you're going to make a decision it needs to be now."

P.Decius: "Heh, you're always keeping me honest… The die is cast. No matter what happens, the Republic needs a leader who can help navigate the turbulence to come."

UA: "So what's our next move?"

P. Decius: "Time hasn't completely abandoned us. In public, we'll be patient and continue to obfuscate as to what our intentions are. In the meantime, I'll begin reaching out to some contacts to assess their willingness to support a run. I'm confident that I've got enough cached good will to quickly amass a sizable war chest."

UA: "What do you need me to do?"

P. Decius: "Keep stoking the rumor mill. The pundits should have a field day analyzing our movements for signs of our intentions. Free publicity is always helpful."

UA: "Shouldn't be too hard. I know a couple of reporters who owe me favors. Anything else?"

P. Decius: "Yes, actually. Keep an eye on Sestius. His reaction will be an important indicator in understanding how the Triumvirate decides to proceed."

UA: "If I find anything interesting, you'll be the first to know."

P. Decius: "Good. Thank you."


Rendezvous at the Palatinate


Discussion Between the Triumvirs