Rendezvous at the Palatinate

Triumvir Decius_Int.jpg

Subject: Rendezvous at the Palatinate

Location: Elevator 3, The Palatinate; Perugia, Umbria

Classification: Confidential

Source: IMINT, The Palatinate Security Footage

Date: 25.08.31148 03:12 UMT

[Lift Doors Open]

A. Eppia: "Publius? What a pleasant surprise! I haven't seen you since Trella's birthday party."

P. Decius: "It's good to see you as well Aula, it's been too long!"

A. Eppia: "Absolutely! What brings you to the Palatinate? Have you purchased a unit?"

P. Decius: "In fact I have. I signed the lease less than an hour ago."

[Lift Doors Close]

A. Eppia: "Exciting news. But surely you haven't gotten sick of your family's beautiful estate. What brings you to the city?"

P. Decius: "I find myself in need of accommodations closer to the capitol."

A. Eppia: "Interesting… Is there a particular reason for the change, if you care to share?"

P. Decius: [Gentle Laughter] "Incisive as always. I believe you've already deduced my reasoning. In all seriousness though, I had hoped to run into you sooner or later. I've begun to hear terrible rumors from people I trust, rumors that, if true, will have a profound impact on the Republic."

A. Eppia: "Publius, this isn't the place to-"

P. Decius: "I know dear Eppia, and to put you at ease, that's all I'll say about it. But ask yourself this: if someone outside official channels has caught wind, how soon before it is on the front page of the RNT extranet site?"

A. Eppia: [A deep sigh] "I know Publius, but my peers are concerned about the impact it will have on the public."

P. Decius: "It's disappointing to hear that. Surely it would be better to be in front of this than to give the impression that the government was covering it up?"

A. Eppia: "I agree, but both fortunately and unfortunately, the Triumvirate exists to prevent any one person from dictating the direction of our government."

P. Decius: "Well then, I can only pray that your peers see the error of their ways soon, and that you find additional support amongst the Triumvirate."

[Lift Doors Open]

A. Eppia: "Gods willing. Or, perhaps, just Publius willing."

P. Decius: [More laughter] "It was a pleasure to see you again Aula. I wish you all the best!"

A. Eppia: "And I, you, Decius. I look forward to seeing more of you in the future."


Encounter in the East Courtyard


Meeting at Villa Decii