Encounter in the East Courtyard

Triumvir Decius_Int.jpg

Subject: Conversation between P. Decius and Triumvir K. Ulpius

Location: East Courtyard, Capitol Hall; Perugia, Umbria

Classification: Top Secret

Source: UMBINT; Agent Oculus

Date: 13.09.31148 13:42 UMT

K. Ulpius: "Publius Decius, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

P. Decius: "Kaeso, it's good to see you!"

K. Ulpius: "Cut to the chase Decius. There's a reason we haven't spoken in years. I take it you're here now because you need something?"

P. Decius: "You wound me Triumvir, but if that's how you wish to proceed… You are correct, I do need something. I need you to do your godsdamn job!"

K. Ulpius: "How dare you-"

P. Decius: "How dare I? How dare you sir! Our people are in danger, yet you do nothing to-"

K. Ulpius: "Decius, this isn't the place-"

P. Decius: "Your personal weakness I could forgive, or at least tolerate, but when you allow your failures to be translated into inaction in times like these? Shameful!"

K. Ulpius: "How do you know about-"

P. Decius: "Have you forgotten who you speak to? How could I not know? And if I know, how many others have begun to piece it together themselves?"

K. Ulpius: "I… What… What do you want?"

P. Decius: "I want you to do what you should have done from the very beginning. Tell them the truth, and do what is required to prepare our people for what's coming!"

K. Ulpius: "There's no way to know how the people will react, we must-"

P. Decius: "How pathetically insecure, and unwise moreover. The longer you delay the less ability you'll have to manage the message, removing the erstwhile value you see in keeping it secret."

K. Ulpius: "No matter how well informed you may be, you don't know what I know. There will be panic. How does that benefit the Republic?"

P. Decius: "You only make it worse by dragging it out."

K. Ulpius: "That's not for you to decide!"

P. Decius: "Oh, is that so? Listen carefully Anatellon, and listen well, for I will not repeat myself. Either you find the intestinal fortitude to do what must be done, or others will do it for you. Then again, you're accustomed to such outcomes, aren't you?"

K. Ulpius: "Are you threatening me Decius?"

P. Decius: "Yes."

K. Ulpius: "Well, I… I-"

P. Decius: "These times require strength and resolve Ulpius. I'd encourage you to dig deep and find a wellspring of courage, for if you don't, you'll most certainly be replaced by someone who is."

K. Ulpius: "What do you mean-"

P. Decius: "I have nothing more to say to you today Kaeso. I wish I could say it was a pleasure, but at this point, why pretend? I wish you well, and you'll be hearing from me again soon."

K. Ulpius: "Wait, Decius, come back here! What do you-"

K. Ulpius: "Decius, don’t you walk away from me! Publius!"


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