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Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex

The Magistrate’s Reckoning

O. Genucius: "After everything we've been through, this is how you repay me?"

P. Decius: "The Opiter Genucius I knew has long since vanished, leaving the miserable drunken husk I see before me. It is only out of respect for the man you were that this moment has been delayed as long as it has. It's time to accept responsibility for your actions."

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Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex

Last Call at the Brass Ring

O. Plancia: "Excuse me, but you're Triumvir Sestius, aren't you?"

V. Sestius: "Yes I am, Miss…?"

O. Plancia: "Plancia, Ocella Plancia. Tell me Triumvir, why does a man as distinguished as you find himself alone at a bar?"

V. Sestius: "I would have expected Gaius Plancia's daughter to be more aware of current events. History is being made before our eyes. Whatever I thought I might achieve as Triumvir is gone, replaced by the unforeseeable tides of fate."

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Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex

Encounter in the East Courtyard

K. Ulpius: "Publius Decius, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

P. Decius: "Kaeso, it's good to see you!"

K. Ulpius: "Cut to the chase Decius. There's a reason we haven't spoken in years. I take it you're here now because you need something?"

P. Decius: "You wound me Triumvir, but if that's how you wish to proceed… You are correct, I do need something. I need you to do your godsdamn job!"

K. Ulpius: "How dare you-"

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Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex

Rendezvous at the Palatinate

[Lift Doors Open]

A. Eppia: "Publius? What a pleasant surprise! I haven't seen you since Trella's birthday party."

P. Decius: "It's good to see you as well Aula, it's been too long!"

A. Eppia: "Absolutely! What brings you to the Palatinate? Have you purchased a unit?"

P. Decius: "In fact I have. I signed the lease less than an hour ago."

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