Last Call at the Brass Ring

Triumvir Sestius_Int.jpg

Subject: Conversation between Triumvir V. Sestius and O. Plancia

Location: Brass Ring Social Club, Perugia, Umbria

Classification: Top Secret

Source: UMBINT; Agent Stellaris

Date: 21.09.31148 01:05 UMT


O. Plancia: "Excuse me, but you're Triumvir Sestius, aren't you?"

V. Sestius: "Yes I am, Miss…?"

O. Plancia: "Plancia, Ocella Plancia. Tell me Triumvir, why does a man as distinguished as you find himself alone at a bar?"

V. Sestius: "I would have expected Gaius Plancia's daughter to be more aware of current events. History is being made before our eyes. Whatever I thought I might achieve as Triumvir is gone, replaced by the unforeseeable tides of fate."

[Gentle laughter]

O. Plancia:  "Poetic Triumvir. I appreciate that in a man."

V. Sestius: "Ms. Plancia, I am a happily married-"

O. Plancia: "And I'm just making conversation with a man of great distinction. Still though, despite the august reputation of this establishment, surely there must be some better company you could keep in times like these?"

V. Sestius: "Perhaps you've been brought here today to keep me from the ignominy of having to drink alone."

[More laughter]

O. Plancia: "Perhaps. These most certainly are challenging times. Hostile aliens waging war on the Republic; news like that strikes at the very root of our traditions and beliefs. I just… I want to be held. I want to feel that physical intimacy of touch which confirms beyond all doubt that I'm not alone. Is that strange?"

V. Sestius: "No, not at all. It's a very Umbrian emotion to feel. I think we all feel that need."

O. Plancia: "Thank you Triumvir. That's kind of you to say."

V. Sestius: "Please, call me Vibius. Come, sit with me for a while. We can reflect on more carefree times and leave our unhappy present, if only for a while."

O. Plancia: "I'd like that Vibius, I'd like that very much."


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