Indiscretion Exposed

Triumvir Sestius_Int.jpg

Subject: Conversation between Triumvir Sestius and Unknown Associate

Location: Triumvir's Quarters, Capitol Hall, Perugia, Umbria

Classification: Top Secret Code Phrase Gamma-1

Source: UMBINT; Agent Charybdis

Date: 16.01.31149 14:32 UMT


[A buzzing noise]

V. Sestius: "What is it Titus?"

Assistant: "Sir, there's a man here to see you. He's not on your schedule, but he's insistent that you'll want to speak with him. He says he has important information on a Ocella Plancia."

V. Sestius: "He said what?"

Assistant: "That's it sir, just that he has information on that person which you will find important."

V. Sestius: "Send him in."

[Office door slides open]

Unknown Associate: "Wow, this is a really nice office you got here Triumvir."

V. Sestius: "Who are you and what do you want?"

UA: "My name isn't important right now. What is important is that someone's been a very bad boy recently."

V. Sestius: "I, I don't know-"

UA: "Please Triumvir, no need to lie to me. I don't blame you either! Miss Plancia is a beauty, and rich to boot! I'm sure her charms would eventually wear down even the most faithful of husbands."

V. Sestius: "What do you want?"

UA: "That's better. Here's the deal. I represent the business organization called Blue Dawn, and we could use the support of a man such as yourself."

V. Sestius: "I know exactly who and what your associates are. Why would I ever consider helping you?"

UA: "We're blessed to live in interesting times Triumvir. I'd hate to see what a major scandal would do to your premiership hot on the heels of such explosive developments. Why, the people of Umbria might start to question the very foundation of the Republic's government."

V. Sestius: "I won't break my oaths of office for a bunch of drug dealers and gangsters."

UA: "You're a smart man Triumvir. Think about it. What would your indiscretion do to your poor, beloved wife? To the people who elected you, and are looking to you for leadership and guidance? Think long and hard before you decide to throw that all away over something as passé as morality."

V. Sestius: "How dare you! Get the fuck out of my office! You have no idea who you're dealing with."

UA: "Oh, I'm pretty confident that I know exactly whom I'm dealing with. We'll be in touch Triumvir, that's a promise."

[The office door slides open again, then the intercom buzzes]

Assistant: "Triumvir, are you alright? It sounded like it got pretty heated from out here."

V. Sestius: "No Titus, I'm not alright."

Assistant: "Is there anything I can do to help sir?"

V. Sestius: "Unless you know how to travel through time and space, I'm afraid not. Please cancel the rest of my appointments this afternoon. I need to clear my head."


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