Training Facilities Expanded on Ozenuso
Sfordore, Osenuzo
18.02.31149 15:51 UMT
Today, a spokesman for the Magistracy of the Army announced that the recruiting depot on Osenuzo would be expanded in order to handle the influx of new recruits who've enlisted to fight the Ascomanni.
The Osenuzo Recruiting Depot, or ORD, affectionately known to its graduates as 'The Swamp', is responsible for conducting the Army's basic training courses. Its central complex is the size of a small city, and it contains countless barracks, armories, mess halls, and depots, all of the facilities necessary to turn civilian volunteers into battle ready soldiers.
The installation itself covers nearly half of Osenuzo's second largest continent. Located on a military reserve over three million kilometers in size, it features a wide array of environments and terrain. A network of maglev train tunnels cover the wide expanses and ensure that recruits can be quickly shipped to various secondary facilities for specialized training.
By the time they depart, graduates will have been exposed to an abundance of different climates and conditions, which they may experience in the field. Furthermore, they are expected to have mastered hand to hand combat, gained proficiency with their service weapon, and be in peak physical condition before they head to the front.
The Swamp can currently accommodate up to one hundred thousand recruits at any one time. Magistrate Francesca Cispia's announcement indicates that the Army aims to triple that capacity, no small undertaking given the planet's overall lack of development and position just inside the unofficial boundaries of the Frontier.
The effort is expected to be completed within the year, with its first expanded recruiting class to graduate fifteen weeks after.