Publius Decius Elected Triumvir

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Perugia, Umbria

01.04.31149 23:04 UMT

In one of the most lopsided victories in recent memory, Publius Decius has been elected Triumvir with 54% of the overall vote.

Speaking to supporters after the Electoral Commision certified the result, Triumvir-Elect Decius said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends, supporters, I cannot adequately express my gratitude or appreciation for the faith you've shown to me. I know it can be easy to lose hope in these uncertain times, but I promise you this, we will never compromise on the security of our people. The Republic will prevail!"

Many see Decius's election as a sign that the government will take a more militaristic stance towards governance, as the conflict with the Ascomanni continues to roil the Frontier.

So far, the government's response has been criticized as too muted, given the gravity of the threat and the early reverses that  the Republic military has experienced fighting the alien menace on Battipaglia.  While additional funding has been prioritized to expand the military, critics say the pace of mobilization has been too slow to ensure the Republic's victory.

Analysts believe the strength of the Triumvir-Elect's support will likely give him outsized sway for a first term Triumvir. None of the other candidates were able to break double digit support, and a number of influential senators have issued public statements of congratulations.

The markets seem to agree as well. In early morning trading, the defense industry is sharply up, while consumer goods and services remain flat. Experts predict that there will be a slight retrenchment in the economy overall, but the heavy industry, mineral extraction, and shipbuilding sectors are expected to outperform.

Despite the strong outcome for a more robust response to the war, the pro-diplomacy faction within the Senate continues to push the Triumvirate to pursue a diplomatic solution.

"We must put aside thoughts of anger and revenge and focus on what is best for our people," stated Senator Albus Litorius. "Galactic war will be immeasurably destructive, and if there is any chance that a negotiated settlement can end this conflict, we have the moral obligation to pursue such an outcome."

To date, attempts to communicate with the Ascomanni have been unsuccessful, and the Senator was unable to answer why he believed they would respond to diplomatic overtures now.

In response, Senator Alessia Bantia said, "The only thing bullies respect is strength. Until we show them that we can hit back at their unwarranted aggression, they will continue to prey on our weakness. The election of Publius Decius is a big step in the right direction."

While it remains to be seen what impact the Triumvir-Elect will have on Umbrian politics, what is certain is that Publius Decius will face challenges that few of his predecessors could even imagine. In times like these, there is no room for petty disagreement to divide us, and the staff at VBR wishes the Triumvir-Elect well as he assumes his office.


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