The Magistrate’s Reckoning

Triumvir Decius_Int.jpg

Subject: Security Footage of Magistrate Opiter Genucius's Office

Location: Magistrate's Suite, Castra Limen; Macigno Vella, Tratirne

Classification: Top Secret, Codephrase Upsilon

Source: IMINT, Castra Limen Surveillance Footage

Date: 32.05.31149 22:13 UMT


[Door slides open]

O. Genucius: "Calpurnius, what's the meaning of this?! I didn't give you permission to enter my office."

T. Calpurnius: "I do apologize Magistrate, but I'm afraid I have bad news."

O. Genucius: "Watch your tone Prefect. This better be pretty damn important."

T. Calpurnius: "Magistrate, through your own self-centered egomania, you directly lead to the deaths of over two thousand Reaction Force personnel. As such, you are being stripped of your rank-"

[The Magistrate's chair squeaks as it slides across the floor]

O. Genucius: "Who the hell do you think you are?! Alia, have security dispatch a detachment to my -"

T. Calpurnius: "I'm afraid your assistant is unavailable Magistrate. You now face a decision. You can come with me quietly and face the consequences of your actions privately, or you can exercise your right to a court martial.

O. Genucius: "I'll be damned if I let you railroad-"

Unidentified Person: "That's enough Opiter."

[Footsteps as another person enters the room]

O. Genucius: "Publius? You're behind this?"

P. Decius: "You know full well what you have done Opiter."

O. Genucius: "After everything we've been through, this is how you repay me?"

P. Decius: "The Opiter Genucius I knew has long since vanished, leaving the miserable drunken husk I see before me. It is only out of respect for the man you were that this moment has been delayed as long as it has. It's time to accept responsibility for your actions."

O. Genucius: "You have no right to do this without the assent of the others…"

P. Decius: "You're right. However, I doubt they'll take much convincing."

[The Triumvir produces a device which produces an electronic chirp]

[Recording] "…rallied my forces and organized the local civilian militia as best I could, but they ripped us apart. It was like our defense was but an inconvenience to them, as if taking my soldiers’ lives was barely worth the effort. They leave nothing behind, nothing but death and ash."

O. Genucius: "Where… where did you get that? You! You did this, didn't you? You sniveling little worm!"

P. Decius: "Opiter, it's over. Accept the inevitable with dignity."

O. Genucius: "No, no, no! This is not how my story ends!"

[Metalic squealing as the Magistrate pulls open his desk drawer]

T. Calpurnius: "Triumvir, watch out!"

[Sounds of a pistol discharging, followed by a deep, trembling thunk as the Magistrate hits the floor]

P. Decius: "Damnit Opiter, you always were a stubborn son of a bitch."

T. Calpurnius: "Are you alright Triumvir?"

P. Decius: "No, no I am not son. As a people, we stand at an important crossroads in our history, and Opiter's role in how we've gotten here must be obscured. Can you do that for me?"

T. Calpurnius: "You… You want me to… Sir, I don't get it. Why?"

P. Decius: "You came to me seeking justice for the Magistrate's actions. He has now paid for his crimes. All that recording can do now is sow further discord at a time when we can afford it least. Does that make sense?"

T. Calpurnius: "Yes sir. I understand. It's unfortunate that the Magistrate's poor health and challenges with alcohol resulted in sudden cardiac arrest."

P. Decius: "Good. Your discretion will be rewarded. There is something else we must attend to. Is your copy of the report from Battipaglia the last complete record?"

T. Calpurnius: "Yes sir."

P. Decius: "Good. I need you to destroy it. The Republic must have absolute confidence in its leaders as we seek to navigate these trying times. No one outside of this room can ever know of its contents."

T. Calpurnius:  "I'll see it done sir."

P. Decius: "Thank you. I have one final request, one I would consider a personal favor."

T. Calpurnius: "Of course, just name it."

P. Decius: "I have no doubt that Opiter heaped no end of misery on you. I assure you, he wasn't always that way. There was a time when he was a shining paragon of what it meant to wear the uniform. Please, honor that man, not the one you see before you."

T. Calpurnius: "It will be so Triumvir."


Magistrate Genucius Laid to Rest


Analysis: kreygh-Class Destroyer