Analysis: kreygh-Class Destroyer

04.02.21_Ascomanni Destroyer Ortho_SM.jpg

The Magistracy of the Navy

Analysis of Ascomanni Naval Combatants: Kreygh-Class

The Castellum; Perugia, Umbria

Beta-43t Applecart

Classification: Secret

Date Compiled: 23.04.31149

To: Magistrate of the Navy Titus Labeo



As the Technical Bureau continues to receive information on the Ascomanni warships encountered during the Battle for Battipaglia, the department has begun the process of cataloging known information on enemy ship classes and their corresponding combat capabilities.

We have completed the first report, and it is ready for your review at your earliest convenience:

The Kreygh-class destroyer is large by Umbrian standards, more akin to the Navy's light cruisers than our own Tellare-class vessels. Featuring heavy armor and a primary armament of railguns and anti-ship torpedoes, these warships appear to serve as the mainstay of the Ascomanni order of battle.

Capable of holding off multiple Republic warships at once, the enemy appears to use these vessels for numerous tactical purposes, including reconnaissance, interdiction, and as ships of the line. In the former two capacities, the Kreygh has proven itself deadly against smaller and less well-armed URN frigates and destroyers, as it is capable of penetrating their armor at any angle from standard combat distances.

While it is a fearsome weapon of war, the Kreygh-class does suffer from poor maneuverability, and it is completely devoid of anti-starfighter armament. This has left it exposed to our space-bound fighter squadrons, and while they are incapable of destroying the vessels outright under most circumstances, they are able to damage critical components of the vessel with impunity.

This advantage has proven useful in several small engagements, but the manner in which the Ascomanni have deployed their forces prohibit this from being a decisive factor in the battle around the planet.

URN carriers and their escorts are rarely engaged by destroyers alone, and when the Kreygh-class participates in larger scale fleet actions, smaller Ascomanni vessels provide a network of defensive fire support to protect their more vulnerable counterparts.

The Technical Bureau recommends updating standard force deployments for routine patrols to reflect the qualitative superiority of this class of warship, and the ease with which it can damage and destroy our own screens.

Taskforces should never be comprised of less than six destroyers or frigates, and ideally should include a larger warship to provide additional survivability and enhanced firepower to the force. This should prove sufficient to allow URN fleet elements to engage the Kreygh-class on equal terms.


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