Cielomina, Vaghus System

Planet NameCielomina, Vaghus System
Stellar ClassificationBlue Giant
Habitability GradeD4
Orbital period3458 Days
Rotational Period56 Hours
Population450,000 (circa 31152), 0 (circa 31154)

Cielomina was the administrative center of the Vaghus system, whose four barren planets orbited around their parent blue giant at significant distances. Originally considered inconsequential by the Republic explorers who first discovered it, the settlement of other nearby systems would lead to the establishment of a small refining station, which was capable of refueling the freighters and colony ships that plied the surrounding star lanes.

Development was slow, and the system was barely worthy of a footnote in the Colonial Affairs Commission's chartered list of Umbrian settlements. However, interest in the system's circumstellar disk would renew interest in the quiet backwater.

The refining facilities above Cielomina would be expanded, and a few dwarf planets located in the system's rocky belt would be built up to support rudimentary mineral extraction operations from the surrounding debris.

These changes did little to elicit much excitement from the spacers, colonists, and adventurers who traveled amongst fringes of Republic space.

This made the Vaghus system perfect for a top-secret Umbrian Republic Navy facility whose purpose was to produce commercially viable antimatter for military applications.

The facility was located on the innermost planet of the system, a small, tidally locked rocky planet called Dafero. The planet whipped around its parent star in twelve hours, making approaches from the far side of the sun undetectable to the system's inhabitants, while the heat it radiated created distortions which blinded most sensor equipment.

The fierce radiation of Vaghus's star made solar power abundant and easy to obtain. An orbital array of satellites were placed in geosynchronous orbit facing the star, which then beamed electricity down to a series of particle colliders which circled the planet.

The URN research station succeeded in producing sufficient volumes of antimatter to enable covert testing, including its use in warheads, and to serve as another important source of starship fuel. The facility's production would come to a swift end, however, with an unexpected Ascomanni attack, which destroyed everything in the system.


Enaria, Fourno System


Habitability Gradient