Orvieto, Bossa System

Planet NameOrvieto, Bossa System
Stellar ClassificationRed Dwarf
Habitability GradeB3 (Formerly B2)
Orbital Period212 Days
Rotational period42 Hours
Population4 billion (circa 31129), 6 billion (circa 31154)

A cold dreary rock of a world, Orvieto nevertheless proved to be an important target for colonization during the early years of the Republic's first expansion into the wider galaxy. Scans of the terrestrial giant revealed mineral deposits in sufficient quantities to fuel further expansion. It also possessed a very active vulcanism, with tons of molten material deposited on its surface every year.

The water vapor and other gasses released by this activity created a thick atmosphere which retained the meager heat received from the planet's star. The toxicity of the atmosphere can vary wildly, with periods of more frequent eruption resulting in greater levels of potentially harmful particles in the air.

This represented one of the Republic's earliest opportunities to gain experience in the vital field of planetary engineering. Believing the world's mineral wealth merited the investment, massive atmospheric purification stations were constructed in close proximity to the most active volcanic vents. These helped to manage sudden spikes in toxic substances and improved overall air quality.

The next challenge to be overcome was more difficult. Orvieto's temperatures ranged roughly fifty degrees over the course of the year, from approximately twenty degrees in the warmer months to well below zero in the dark, cold winter months.

A few species of hardy plants could be found around its equatorial region, but the vast majority of the photosynthesis happening on the planet was performed by abundant colonies of algae. Biodiversity was strained, with a few dozen species of herbivores which fed off the meager plant life, and a handful of predatory species which consumed them in turn.

While the algae itself proved edible for Umbrians, its bitter taste and poor nutrition left the planet desperately short of organic foodstuffs to support its growing population. Fortunately, Orvieto's demand would soon be filled by other budding colonies, who found an excellent market for their excess food supply.

With its population finally secure, Orvieto would quickly become one of the principal manufacturing and industrial hubs within the Republic. Expansive factories would spring up around magma springs, where access to the molten material greatly sped the collection of raw materials required to build everything from personal devices to starship plating.

The planet's cities, in contrast, would be clustered around the equator. Vast maglev tracks connected these metropolises with the factories and processing plants that employed most of the planet's population, allowing workers to leave the dreary and unpleasant surrounds of the workplace for the greater comfort and convenience of their urban homes.

As war descended on the Republic, Orvieto's economy would go through a mini-boom. Increased demand for war materiel would see extensive expansions in its industrial capacity. This in turn would bring more people to the planet, including a large number of refugees from the Frontier.

This potent mix of economic opportunity and first-hand experience with the war would result in Orvieto being amongst the staunchest supporters of the Republic's war effort.


Ozenuso, Sieva System


Navepico, Detura System