Ozenuso, Sieva System

Planet NameOzenuso, Sieva System
Stellar ClassificationBlue Main-Sequence
Habitability GradeA3
Primary BodyOrmenta
Orbital Period (Primary)25 Days
Orbital Period (Stellar)6145 Days
Rotational Period16 Hours
PopulationCivilian: 78,000; Military: 30,000 (permanent), 300,000 (temporary)

Ozenuso is a temperate, life-bearing moon in the Sieva system. Orbiting the ice giant Ormenta, the world is tidally heated by its parent, while also capturing significant energy from the system's blue-white star. The ice giant's strong magnetic fields protect the moon from the star's fierce radiation, while its intense luminosity has been a boon for Ozenuso's plant life.

The moon's out of the way location would render it lower on the list of targets for colonization, but one party would take significant interest in the world; the Umbrian Republic Army. The URA would quickly stake a claim to the planet, seeing its position close to the Frontier as an asset rather than a hinderance.

Featuring a wide range of different types of terrain and heavier than standard gravity, the Army requested and received appropriations to build a training center on the world, creating the Ozenuso Recruiting Depot, or ORD.

The initial facility was based in a dense tropical forest, where frequent rain would result in temporary flash flooding that would render much of the surrounding terrain submerged in half a meter of water. To Francesca Cispia, the first commandant of the newly dubbed 'Swamp', this was the perfect place for her soldiers to grow acclimated to the hardships they were likely to experience in service to the Republic.

Over the span of two decades, the Swamp would continue to expand, adding satellite facilities in other geographical regions which were of value to the facility's mission. These would eventually be connected by maglev trains which could shift trainees from the tropical jungles surrounding the barracks complex to arid deserts and harsh mountainous terrain.

By the start of the Battle of Battipaglia, Ozenuso could accommodate up to one hundred thousand recruits at any given time. This would expand quickly, with the newly elected Triumvir Publius Decius succeeding in securing funding to triple its capacity. The ORD would also introduce new training programs with the establishment of a mechanized warfare center in Ozenuso's vast desert and a flight school to train Army pilots in the lethal art of close air support and aerial combat.

As the Ascomanni continued to make inroads into the Frontier, the facility's defensibility came into question. There simply weren't enough warships or heavy equipment to protect it, and without additional support, the trainees planetside would be quickly overwhelmed if the aliens were to invade.

The War Council was forced to make a difficult decision. The Swamp's strategically significant location and ability to produce large numbers of combat ready soldiers gave Umbrian High Command few options but to continue its use. The recruiting depot's continued security would have to rely on secrecy instead of military might.


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