Tasovo, Roshia System

Planet NameTasovo, Roshia System
Stellar ClassificationYellow-White Main-Sequence
Habitability GradeB3
Orbital Period685 Days
Rotational Period34 Hours
Population1.2 billion (circa 31154)

From a distance, Tasovo appears as a bright, hot, red-tan marble orbiting its parent white sequence star, Roshia. An unlikely candidate for life, Tasovo would none-the-less support the growth and development of a variety of aquatic and amphibious species in its dark brackish lakes. The rest of the planet is comprised of barren plains and expansive salt flats, baked by the constant bombardment of its sun's UV rays.

Tasovo was found early in the Republic's first wave of faster-than-light enabled expansion.  However, the poor habitability gradient and limited sources of natural oxygen production would lead it to be passed over for colonization.

It maintained a rich nitrogen oxygen atmosphere which was capable of supporting Umbrians, but the weak ozone layer required visitors to wear protective clothing and avoid exposing their skin to Roshia's intense light. This would make the surface almost unbearable, as the average temperature was well above that found on Umbria.

While most of the capital allocated to colonization was directed to better suited targets, a few hundred brave prospectors descended on the planet to seek out their fortunes. Huddled around a handful of lakes, these wildcatters would find readily available veins of heavy metals. Slowly and surely, settlements began to be established along the shorelines of the salty inland seas as robotic mining operations were established over the most promising sites.

As the colony continued to develop, more was learned about the nature of the planet's geology. Deep underground aquifers existed under a bed of impermeable rock, which provided more than enough fresh water to support the growing mining communities. Giant open-air greenhouses sprung up as well, where crops thrived under their light-filtering canopies and misting irrigation systems.

While the comforts of daily life steadily improved, economic competition would remain fierce. The wildcatters of Tasovo fought amongst themselves for access to the best resources. Firms popped up overnight only to be bought or forced out of business within a few years. Violent worker riots instigated by rival firms and acts of industrial sabotage were common.

In this turbulent environment, few could afford to settle for long, giving Tasovo's communities the feel of a frontier town well after other nearby worlds had matured into prosperous member worlds of the Republic.

This would finally change when outside factors forced the fractious prospectors to join together, ending decades of internecine feuding.  They would create the Tasovo Mining Conglomerate, or TMC, which at long last brought much needed stability to the wild badlands of the planet.

Within two years, Tasovo would join the Republic as a full member world.

As time passed, more and more people would arrive to make a life for themselves, with numerous secondary industries popping up to support the TMC or to leverage its mining outputs to manufacture goods.

Tightly packed cities would replace the boom towns of its founding era: neat, clean, and crime free. The wealth generated by its growing industry would allow domed underwater cities to be constructed below its seas, creating one-of-a-kind vistas which the planet became known for. This prosperity would continue through the recession brought on by the start of the Ascomanni War and last to the present, even while the planet's flagship corporation struggled to rebound from the losses it sustained in the Frontier.


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