Tasovo Mining Conglomerate

Tasovo Mining Conglomerate - Article Image.jpg

Founded in the waning days of the Republic's first wave of colonization, the Tasovo Mining Conglomerate is amongst the oldest mega-corporations in the Republic. TMC's rise to prominence would come about as a direct result of the mineral-rich world's growing prosperity. That growth brought the many wildcat miners of Tasovo's barren plains into direct competition with the Republic's then-current industrial champion, Orvieto.

The larger mining guilds located on Orvieto were quick to sense the danger posed by Tasovo's easily accessible veins of strategic metals and rare minerals. They began a coordinated campaign to undercut the prices of Tasovo's most prominent exports, and quickly succeeded in financially crippling many of the smaller firms headquartered on the new colony.

While technically illegal, there was little the cash strapped prospectors could do to resist.

For decades, the independent mining firms of Tasovo fought tooth and nail against the economic might of the established industrial players. They did this by driving efficiency and productivity throughout their organizations while their larger antagonists were slowed by the weight of their own inertia. Finally, after years of grinding struggle, it looked like at long last Tasovo's miners might just succeed in breaking open the industry.

It was not to be.

A series of terrible industrial accidents began to occur across Tasovo. The manner and nature of these accidents left little doubt in the minds of the planet’s citizens: this had been deliberate sabotage.

As news spread, the Republic's Senate launched an investigation, and in their zeal to demonstrate that they were doing something to address the situation, a raft of new safety regulations were proposed.

Driven to the brink of despair by events that were cascading out of their control, the wildcatters of Tasovo reached a conclusion that many had thought impossible: they would unite together to fight against the monopolistic predations of their industry.

They collectively formed the Tasovo Mining Conglomerate, giving up their cherished independence to pool their collective resources and once and for all subdue the corporate giants who had been harassing them.

The news alone sent several corporations' stocks into a free fall. Within five years, they had muscled their way into the mainstream, becoming a significant player in the resource extraction market.

Fortune would also intercede to ensure their ascendance, as Tasovo became a full member world of the Republic, and its new senator would quickly learn to wield her political capital for the planet's, and, by extension, the Conglomerate's, benefit.

Over the next four centuries, TMC would expand far and wide, seeking new systems to explore and mineral reserves to exploit. TMC's output would prove vital following advances in faster than light travel and the discovery of the Frontier, and it would power the Republic's rapid growth into that region of space.

The arrival of the Ascomanni would cause significant damage to the company's assets, with the Conglomerate losing a number of outposts to the alien assault. Financial analysts predicted that the company had lost a hundred billion credits in the run up to the Battle of Gela, where the Republic first checked the Ascomanni advance.

The TMC pulled back from the periphery of Umbrian space to lick its wounds and focus on its core footprint. While the surge in demand for metals to support the war effort has helped stabilize the company's balance sheet, it's directors still face pressure to focus on more lucrative pursuits, such as rare earths and precious metals.

While such a change in direction may yield better returns for investors, its impact on the broader war effort would hardly be positive.


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