Orvieto Heavy Industries

Orvieto Heavy Industries - Article Image.jpg

One of the pillars of Orvieto's strong industrial base, Orvieto Heavy Industries began its existence producing heavy-duty farming equipment to power the growing agricultural industry which sought to ensure the security of the Republic's food supply.

This experience would be used to break into a wide range of product segments where their experience building reliable and sophisticated machinery gave them a competitive advantage.

They would actively diversify their product portfolio, choosing to break from the pack and build their solutions from the ground up by hiring in experts rather than through the acquisition of smaller rivals. This would give them a reputation for innovation and thought leadership which soon set the OHI brand apart from many of their competitors.

One of the company's most successful product lines was its series of fusion reactors. Orvieto Heavy Industries was responsible for a number of groundbreaking advances in reactor miniaturization. It would zealously guard the secrets to its success, allowing it to corner the market while the protections on its intellectual property remained in place.

This success would prove to be something of a drag on the company's development, as it focused on exploiting its current advantage over pursuing the next innovation which would keep it ahead of its peers. Despite this, OHI powerplants continued to set the industry standard up to the beginning of the Ascomanni War.

As the conflict in the Frontier grew in intensity, OHI would be one of a handful of firms who would agree to produce military equipment under license from its original manufacturers. They would become one of the primary producers of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and Scutia battlemech chassis.

The engineers and scientists at Orvieto Heavy Industries would soon leverage their experience to enter the market for themselves, offering a number of armored vehicles for consideration to the URA. Many show promise, and a few have been selected for small scale production runs while the Army evaluates the lessons learned from the initial battles of the war.


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