Tratirne, Brella System

Planet NameTratirne, Brella System
Stellar ClassificationYellow Main-Sequence
Habitability GradeA4
Orbital period327 Days
Rotational period22 Hours
CapitalMacigno Vella
Population500 million (circa 31129), 200 million (circa 31154)

Called the ‘Gateway to the Frontier’, Tratirne is a near-perfect facsimile for conditions on Umbria itself. Its surface area upends the traditional distribution between water and landmass, with the former only making up about 35% of the surface’s volume, trapped in broad inland seas connected by narrow isthmuses. 

It is approximately ten percent larger than Umbria, but near equivalent in mass, with a dense metal core that provides a thick magnetosphere to protect the planet from the radiation of its yellow sun, Brella.

With minimal axial tilt, Tratirne’s seasonal shifts are mild, with a prolonged growing season. Umbrian crops adapted easily to the planet’s nitrogen rich soil, and the native flora and fauna proved to not only be edible, but also highly nutritious for its first colonists.

Despite its promise, the colony was slow to develop due to its distance from the Republic’s core. The added expense of transporting raw materials and finished goods such great distances meant that the colony struggled for decades to draw sufficient investment and population growth.

However, as the inner colonies continued to grow and commercial interests sought out new opportunities to exploit resources, Tratirne would receive renewed interest. 

The planet’s capital, Macigno Vella, grew rapidly, and other cities sprung up along the warm, temperate equatorial region seemingly overnight. The planet’s population ballooned to half a billion, and it became a launching point for exploration deeper towards the galactic core.

From Tratirne, numerous expeditions would be launched into the region of space that would come to be known as the Frontier. Reports of systems rich in natural resources and planets teaming with life would soon elicit a rush of new colonial enterprises, and Tratirne served as a natural starting point for all of that activity.

As those efforts got underway, Tratirne took on many of the characteristics of the most successful inner colonies. It would become renowned for its arts and culture, and the University of Tratirne would become one of the foremost centers of planetary science and xenobiology in the Republic.

It also became home of the Frontier Reaction Force, whose headquarters, Castra Limen, was situated within the limits of Macigno Vella itself. This would bring added political capital to the planet’s elite, and cement Tratirne’s place as an important world within the Republic.


Umbria, Vesta System


Tasovo, Roshia System