Republic News Today

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Republic News Today, or RNT, is the Republic's preeminent news publication, often considered the outlet of record for Umbria's recent past. It has local bureaus on dozens of planets throughout the Republic, and has thousands of correspondents actively seeking out the latest developments.

RNT prides itself on getting the story right, and its editors will gladly hold a promising story until they're satisfied that every last lead has been run down and every detail corroborated by multiple sources. They may not always be the first to break a story, but when a subject appears on their platform, readers can expect more detail and nuance than any other publication can offer.

While providing coverage across the Republic, it is also seen as a keen indicator of political developments in the capital. Its reporters work hard to develop connections with a broad range of stakeholders, often trading anonymity for honest and unvarnished information.

To solicit such information requires trust, and many are the number of reporters who have done short stints in prison over their failure to reveal sources who disclosed classified or embarrassing information.

Republic News Today also maintains a host of local planetary affiliates, who repeat their parent organization's model with an emphasis on local affairs. RNT puts a significant amount of oversight into managing its affiliates, as maintaining its reputation for reporting excellence is seen as a key distinguisher in the Republic's crowded media market.

That effort has paid off, as more people turn to RNT than any other publication for their news.


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