The Palatinate Pratterer

The Palatinate Pratterer - Article Image.jpg

No other tabloid inspires dread and derision in the Republic's political and cultural elite the same way that the Palatinate Pratterer does. The publication, often abbreviated to P2, is known for simultaneously glamorizing and satirizing Umbria's leading celebrities. P2's over the top style and sensationalist stories have earned it a strong following throughout the common people of the Republic.

It employs a small army of investigators and photojournalists, who will stop at nothing to dig up the latest scandal or feed the rumor mill with incredible accusations. At the same time, some of its more reputable journalists are often invited to participate in the wild extravaganzas of the rich and famous, providing the citizens of the Republic with a glimpse of their fabulous, fairytale-esque existence.

Many of the unfortunate subjects of its articles claim that the publication is willfully lying to their audience, and many attempt to use legal remedies to quash P2 once and for all. However, unlike other tabloids that will quickly retract stories in the face of such pressure, the Pratterer is unafraid of taking their case to court.

In these efforts, it has been remarkably effective. In over two hundred recorded complaints, P2 has never been found liable for defamation, and has only settled with the plaintiff on two occasions. This fact has only enhanced their appeal, as the people of Umbria have concluded that there must be at least some factual foundation in even the wildest of P2's stories. This have even led some pundits to compare the organization to a private intelligence service.


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