The Venezia Business Review

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The Venezia Business Review, more commonly known as VBR, is the Republic's foremost business journal and commercial news publication. Its specific focus on economics and trade have solidified the publication as a must read for Umbria's business elite. Some even consider its coverage of breaking and trending news to be more complete and well rounded, and few articles are produced which fail to speak to the larger impacts their subjects will have on the people and planets involved.

Its editorial board argues for pro-growth policies that boost development, while taking strong stances on the inviolability of individual property and sound monetary policy and fiscal discipline. Its audience is considered influential, and it claims more than a few Senators amongst its avid readership.

While its editors and journalists are skilled and capable at their craft, some are quick to label it as too beholden to bloodless economic principles, and less concerned with the general welfare of the Republic and its citizens.

In response, VBR's editorial board is quick to rejoin that economic vitality and growth are the pillars of a stable and prosperous society. Poverty reduces opportunity, and only ensures that future generations will be less capable of addressing the challenges they will face.

They refuse to compromise on this belief, and VBR proudly states it will never stray from its core mission.


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