Tellare-Class Destroyer

Type:Small Multi-Mission Warship
Builders:Safe Haven Naval Yards, Consolidated Shipyards, Others
Operators:Umbrian Republic Navy
Length:245 m
Width:98 m
Height:96 m
Power Supply:1 x Orvieto Heavy Industries DG-9x Fusion Powerplant
Sub - Light Propulsion2 x Fulmin Propulsion D-Series Ion Thrusters (Primary); 4 x Fulmin Propulsion Ba-Series Ion Thrusters (Secondary)
Supra-Light Propulsion:1 x SSE 24-t supra-luminal drive core
Endurance:Fuel for 24 lightspeed jumps, 3 months of provisions for the crew
Crew:78 officers, 684 enlisted
Sensors:2 x Cianave Systems GXp Active Sensor Arrays
Armament:6 x 2 127 mm rail guns in six double turrets; 6 x 3 20 mm rotary point defense cannons in triple barreled weapons stations; 64 vertical launch cells with a configurable loadout of up to 320 missiles depending on mission requirements
Armor150 mm titanium plate armor; 50 mm double hull cavity; 50 mm composite armor
Spacecraft Facilities:Enclosed hanger space for 2 shuttles

The Tellare-class destroyer is a flexible, medium sized warship that makes up a large portion of the Republic Navy's overall ship strength. With quick acceleration, a solid sensor package, and good offensive armament, the Tellares proved to be indispensable to the hard pressed URN fleets.

The original schematics were produced by the Magistracy of the Navy's Naval Architecture Board, emphasizing the need for a fast warship with long endurance and a configurable weapons package. This initial design was then refined by a team at Consolidated Shipyards. By the time the design was approved, Consolidated claimed that the vessel could be built in eight weeks, with scalability achieved through the use of multiple sub-assemblies combined in small yards to fill the initial order.

At the beginning of the war, over three hundred Tellare-class destroyers had been produced. They suffered severely at the onset of the conflict, as the URN scrambled to refine their tactics and account for the enemy's quantitative and qualitative advantage.

Approximately the size of an Ascomanni escort frigate, the Tellares were not able to engage enemy warships in one on one duels. Instead, small raiding parties of destroyers would be sent to attack isolated patrols or lone vessels. In this role, the class found success, and the destroyers began to account for a growing number of enemy ships damaged and destroyed.

In larger scale fleet engagements, fleet commanders frequently kept the destroyers closer to the heart of the formation as part of the inner screen, where they supplemented the increasingly scarce light cruisers as a final backstop against missiles, bombers, and fighters. Once the battle devolved into a more generalized melee, the destroyers would serve as a quick reaction force for the commanding archus, traversing the battlespace rapidly and delivering added firepower where it was needed most.


Arago-Class Light Cruiser


Gadira-Class Frigate