Fleet Tactics

Fleet Tactics - Article Image.jpg

Initial Considerations

The first thing an Archus commanding their fleet needed to consider was the features of the battlespace which he or she would fight in. Gravitational fields, astronomical features, and even space weather could all influence the outcome of a battle. Once the field of battle was chosen, the course of events generally followed a similar pattern.

Initial Engagement

As the opposing fleets closed on one another, the primary focus was on protecting the capital ships until they could reach the point at which they could engage with their accelerator cannons. At this time, long range missiles and sorties from the fleet's carrier based fighters would probe the enemy's defenses.

Entering Gunnery Range

Once the capital ships were close enough to reliably hit their intended target, the Fleet would slow and the formation elongate into a more oval-like shape as the screens spread out in front of the core. At this point, the capital ships would alter their course to bring the maximum number of guns to bear on the opposing fleet, while still maintaining their vector towards the enemy. The screens' missiles and close in defenses would begin to intercept munitions as the space between fleets began to fill with projectiles, while massed coordinated volleys would attempt to overwhelm the enemy.

General Melee

If the enemy did not retreat by the time the leading elements of the Fleet reached their position, the battlespace would quickly devolve into a chaotic maelstrom of opposing vessels. The screens would be pulled back into tighter position around pre-assigned capital ships, while the larger ships in turn would attempt to interpose themselves as deeply as possible in the enemy formation in order to make most efficient use of all of their armament. Starfighters would be directed toward specific targets, with the intention of opening gaps in the enemy formation which could then be exploited.


When the battle went poorly, it was suicidal to present the vulnerable rear sections of a warship to the enemy. It was much easier for the vessels' engines or reactors to be damaged or destroyed, and fire absorbed along the ships' long axis caused significant damage as it passed through the length of the vessel.

Instead, the commanding Archus would attempt to concentrate their remaining forces with the goal of pushing through the enemy fleet and jumping to lightspeed on the other side of the enemy formation. Although this would still subject the retreating vessels to raking fire from the rear, it would be the enemy who would have to spend time slowing and maneuvering to take advantage of the situation, while the Umbrians could focus on accelerating away from the battle.


Legionary Organization

