SF-14 Natrix Fighter Bomber

Name:SF-14 Natrix Fighter-Bomber
Type:Multi-Role Strike Craft
Builders:Ursal Defense Industries, OHI, Various
Operators:URA, URN
Completed:Tens of Thousands
Lost:Unkown Number of Losses
Length:21 m
Width:23 m (Wings Extended) 12 m (Wings Folded)
Height:6 m (Wings Extended) 11 m (Wings Folded)
Power Supply:1 x SSE Ignon-6 Power Core
Sub - Light Propulsion2 x Fulmin Propulsion Arclite-X12 Ion Thrusters; 2 x Ursal Defense Industries 'Howler' Scramjets
Supra-Light Propulsion:N/a
Endurance:Fuel for 6 hours of continuous thrust (in vacuum); Fuel for 2 hours of atmospheric operations
Crew:1 (Pilot)
Sensors:1 x Cianave Systems Phoenix Dual Phase Sensor Suite
Armament:1 x 30 mm rotary cannon; Internal storage and external hardpoints for 10,000 kg of ordinance
Armor20 mm titanium plate armor; 5 mm double hull cavity; 10 mm composite armor

The Natrix multi-purpose strike fighter is the latest model Umbrian starfighter to join the URN's fleets. Capable of carrying significant payloads and armed with a powerful thirty millimeter rotary cannon, the Natrix is well equipped to serve numerous roles, such as interdiction and fleet defense, ground support, and fleet strike operations.

While technically not rated for atmospheric re-entry, the craft is capable of performing operations both in space and in atmosphere. It is equipped with state of the art plasma thrusters, giving it tremendous acceleration in space. Furthermore, its aerodynamic frame and a pair of scramjets allow the craft to pass eighteen hundred kilometers per hour in atmospheric flight.

These advances have delivered a capable strike aircraft which has seen use by both the Umbrian Republic Army's aviation units and the URN's carrier-born squadrons.

In space combat, the Natrix is primarily focused on interdiction or strike operations. In the first phase of naval combat, the fleet's starfighters focus on downing incoming ordinance, either with purpose built interceptor missiles, or with their primary gun.

As the fleets close to engage, the squadrons will be deployed against priority targets by the fleet's fighter coordination center. The goal will be to cripple or destroy key enemy combatants and open up gaps in the opposing formation that can be exploited.

Fuel usage climbs dramatically during this phase of combat, cutting the Natrix's standard 6 hours of operation down to two hours or less depending on how heavily the pilot must use the craft's maneuvering jets.

Finally, while capable of space superiority missions, the Ascomanni's general disuse of starfighters rendered this role as a secondary concern. After the initial battles of the war, Ascomanni carriers would become a rare sight, allowing the Umbrian starfighter corps to focus on the aforementioned roles instead.

Tangling with Ascomanni fighters is much more common in atmosphere. Despite being fast for a craft its size, the Natrix is less maneuverable than fighters purpose built for atmospheric operation. However, its large payload and heavy armor more than make up for this deficiency.

The Natrix has proven to be an effective ground attack craft, and Umbrian soldiers have come to appreciate its support. The distinctive sounds of its scramjets alone have a positive effect on morale, and a number of affectionate nicknames, such as death’s shadow, have been given to the craft.


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