
Firearms - Article Image.jpg

While superseded by the latest generation of plasma-based weaponry, firearms continue to be used by military, paramilitary, and law enforcement organizations throughout the Republic, as they are cheap to manufacture and reliable in all manner of conditions.

As the Ascomanni War intensified, the Republic military establishment faced a challenge, as the number of soldiers recruited started to outpace the defense industry's ability to produce frontline plasma-based weaponry. As a result, firearms would once again enter wide scale production and distribution.

Many rear area or garrison forces were issued firearms instead of more advanced alternatives. Planetary security forces were another frequent user, as local governments began to recruit and maintain their own militias.

Common models emphasize compact designs featuring smoothbore barrels to take advantage of flechette-based caseless ammunition. These dart-like projectiles allow for much greater rates of fire, but as a result, certain components within the weapon must be designed to handle the additional heat buildup of repeated firing, increasing the weight of the platform.

In those cases were firearms have been used in combat, their effectiveness has varied, depending highly on the skill and experience of their wielders. In capable hands however, they have proven to be effective against Ascomanni armor at short to medium ranges.


Fleet Tactics


Armored Vehicles