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The Umbrian Replubic Army

The pride of the Republic's military establishment, the Umbrian Republic Army, often abbreviated as the URA, is the largest branch of the service and is responsible for all terrestrial combat operations. Formed in the immediate aftermath of Umbrian unification and the formation of the Republic, the URA has a long and storied history which it has maintained for nearly a millennia.

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Encyclopedia, Military Jon Grote Encyclopedia, Military Jon Grote

The Umbrian Republic Military

Confident that they would inevitably encounter alien life in the vast expanses of the greater galaxy, the Umbrian Republic saw the maintenance of a strong military as a prudent step to safeguard their society. With the sudden and unprovoked attack by the Ascomanni, that prudence would ensure that the Republic did not immediately succumb to their alien adversaries.

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Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex

The Modern Fleet

By the time war broke out, URN doctrine had crystalized into several key elements, with specific responsibilities assigned to warships created for those intended purposes. These responsibilities would detail how the various components of the fleet worked together, and the roles specific warships and other craft would play in conducting offensive and defensive operations in defense of the Republic.

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Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex

The Frontier Reaction Force

The Frontier Reaction Force, better known as the Reaction Force, or RF, was a paramilitary organization established to support colonial development through customs enforcement and interplanetary policing. The organization would grow from a small dedicated group of a few hundred to include over two hundred thousand personnel, specializing in a broad range of disciplines.

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Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex

The Combined Intelligence Directorate

Formed after the start of the Ascomanni conflict, the Combined Intelligence Directorate, or CID, was created by amalgamating the various civilian and military intelligence organizations into a single entity. As such, its powers stretched across both spheres of operation, though its role in supporting the war effort would become its primary focus.

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Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex Encyclopedia, Military Kaiyos Lex


Railguns became standard weapons platforms on the Umbrian Republic Navy's warships long ago, as power plants were developed with sufficient capacity to handle their energy-intensive operations. As these power cores began to shrink in size and grow in efficiency, even the smallest cutters and corvettes in the fleet could now field these weapons.

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