Scutia Battlemech

Scutia Battlemech Article Image.jpg

The Scutia Battlemech is a groundbreaking advancement in the development and production of smart weaponry. Essentially a light tank built on a simple chassis, the Scutia, or Scoots as they are referred to by the Republic's legionnaires, are the first weapons platform to feature a true artificial intelligence.

While this AI is constrained by a number of safeguards, the Scutia is capable of taking limited independent action. It does this by utilizing multiple inputs from its own sensory suite as well as data supplied by the local battlenet. This has led to concern amongst some of the Army's officer corps, but impressive results on the battlefield have quieted the platform's most vocal opponents.

Artificial intelligence had long been a source of consternation for the people of Umbria. This concern was driven first and foremost by the massive amounts of personal data which could be made available to such machines, and the corresponding effects on individual liberty and privacy.

Despite these reservations, the pace of technological advancement could only be slowed, not stopped. In time, an Umbrian corporation would discover the means of overcoming the public's reluctance to embrace AI. It wouldn't be long before that company, Cianave Systems, would begin working with the Republic's military to weaponize the technology.

While unmanned craft of all types have been a staple of the battlefield for much of the modern era, the Scutia would be the first platform which did not require an operator or preprogrammed instructions. It features a revolutionary synaptic matrix which mirrors that of the Umbrian brain, granting it unparalleled response time.  While its commander can assign it orders prior to the start of combat, the Scutia is capable of understanding the changing dynamic on the battlefield and adjusting to the situation on its own, instead of requiring updates from command.

In battle, the Scutia uses its plasma repeating cannon to engage Ascomanni infantry, easily overcoming the enemy's standard power armor and cutting swathes through the massed assaults they have become known for. This added firepower has greatly improved results on the battlefield, giving the physically inferior Umbrian troopers an enhanced ability to secure fire dominance and repulse enemy attacks.

While successful at its intended mission, the Scutia is not a replacement for true armored fighting vehicles, such as the Atru main battle tank. Its thin armor and small size leave it vulnerable to heavier munitions and artillery, and like all tracked vehicles, its effectively immobilized if its tracks become damaged.

Despite these disadvantages, the scoots have proven their worth on numerous battlefields, giving Umbrian commanders a flexible and responsive new tool in the ongoing battle against the Ascomanni.


Triumvir Publius Decius


The Ascomanni War