Umbrian Festivals

Umbrian festivals have been an integral part of society for as long as history has been recorded. Originally marking religious days of observance, these festivals have taken on a more secular tone in modern times, but still maintain their societal importance and many of the activities that have defined Umbrians' communal experiences.

Public festivals can vary in size and style, but they usually contain some combination of feasts or banquets, games of skill or chance, parades or processions, and rides and attractions. They are unique in that they often bring both the Republic's elite and the common masses together in a way that is unimaginable in any other scenario. Senators and tycoons may find themselves sitting next to mechanics and office workers, each enjoying the atmosphere of these raucous events.

As the Republic expanded, the variety and frequency of festivals has changed with each system colonized. Many festivals fall during specific times of the local year, marking the beginning of important periods such as the changing of the seasons.

The colonies often have their own celebrations corresponding to the dates when they were founded or where they achieved full membership in the Republic.

Others are held consistently during the same time throughout the entirety of the Republic, such as Constitution Day, celebrating the ratification and approval of the Republic's founding documents. The number of festivals continues to grow year after year, and this web of communal and societal celebrations helps to bind all Umbrians together and add vibrancy to the fabric of Umbrian society.


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