Venezia, Druata System

Planet NameVenezia, Druata System
Stellar ClassificationBinary: Yellow Main-Sequence, Orange Main Sequence
Habitability GradeA4
Orbital Period456 Days
Rotational Period23 Hours
Population8 billion (circa 31154)

When the first explorer arrived in orbit over the fourth planet in the Druata system, she reportedly said, “We have found Elysium itself. I have no doubt that below we’ll find those legends of old, enjoying their repose on this beautiful paradise amongst the stars.”

This description would prove to be apt. Venezia’s oxygen rich atmosphere, warmer climate, and slightly lower gravity would attract colonists by the droves. The Republic would take care to preserve its unmarred beauty, resulting in an idealized semi-agrarian society centered around tall space efficient archologies and vast stretches of pastoral farmland.

Orbiting a binary star, Venezia is the fourth of seven planets. It features an unusual inner gas giant, Roltia, located within the frost line of the parent star where they usually do not naturally occur, leading some to believe it was an extra solar capture.

Another feature of the system is the relatively low density of the asteroid belt orbiting beyond its fifth planet. This slowed the planet’s development, as the colonists had to rely on more expensive terrestrial mining operations on the other rocky planets within the system instead.

In the end, this proved to be only a momentary setback, which was more than made up for by the plentiful Helium-3 available from Roltia.

Venezia proved to be an important test case for Umbrian expansion, and within a few generations it had cemented its place as the second most important planet in the Republic. The bumper crops grown here would fuel both the planet’s own growing population and the push to expand deeper into the surrounding space.

As the Umbrians pressed further and further out from their homeworld, Venezia’s role changed from being the breadbasket of the Republic to its financial center, its easy living and picturesque environment attracting many of the best and brightest of Umbria’s corporate elite.

This combination of financial and ecological wealth makes Venezia a model of sustainable living. Its population of eight billion is still clustered in densely packed cities, whose small footprint has left more than enough room for agriculture while also ensuring much of its wilderness untamed.


Umbrian Festivals


Varese, Chiamora System