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Nascovo-Class Fleet Carrier
As visionary leaders demonstrated the potential of starfighters to serve as a powerful striking arm of the fleets, the Umbrian Republic Navy concluded that their existing carriers were too small. Individually, these vessels housed too few fighters for the massed wave tactics which were required for them to damage larger warships.
Corsialto-Class Battleship
Awe inspiring in its scale and destructive power, the Corsialto-class battleship was the titan of pre-war Umbrian starship design and engineering. At over a kilometer and a half-long, it would be the largest warship produced by the Republic in the run up to the Ascomanni conflict, and it bristled with enough heavy guns and missiles to obliterate nearly anything it would come up against.
Teorza-Class Battlecruiser
Designed as a cruiser killer, the Teorza was the first major capital ship to be designed following the discovery of the Ascomanni. Created by the CID Future Concepts Division, it was intended to address the deficiency in Umbrian capital ships vis-a-vie their larger Ascomanni counterparts. The Teorza was purpose built to be able to quickly destroy Asco cruisers.
Folca-Class Heavy Cruiser
The Folca-class was the first post-New Model Fleet design to be accepted by the Navy for widescale production. The Folca was purpose built to stand in the line of battle, with enough armor and firepower to go toe to toe with enemy combatants. They could also be assembled more quickly than the larger battleships and battlecruisers they often fought alongside, while still representing a powerful offensive resource for Umbrian fleet commanders.
Skiere-Class Light Carrier
Initially developed in the 31130's, the Skiere-Class was amongst the oldest active warships still in service at the outbreak of the Ascomanni War. Its design and construction coincided with a sudden and unexpected threat to the Navy's primacy: the rise of the Frontier Reaction Force. While the two organizations' missions were different, the ambitious leadership of the RF was seen as a threat to the Navy's long term relevance, and this would lead to a rethink of the URN's requirements for new warships.
Arago-Class Light Cruiser
The Arago-class was the URN's pre-war ideal for a naval warship. As the Frontier expanded, the Navy realized that its existing warships were poorly suited for patrolling the vast spaces of the Umbrian Republic. Featuring moderate armament and extended endurance, it was perfectly suited for its primary function of patrolling the vast swaths of open space between the Republic's far flung colonies.