Teorza-Class Battlecruiser

Type:Large Fleet Combatant
Builders:Consolidated Shipyards, Safe Haven Naval Yard, Orvieto Naval Shipyards, Others
Operators:Umbrian Republic Navy
Length:1204 m
Width:462 m
Height:257 m
Power Supply:7 x Orvieto Heavy Industries DG-9x Fusion Powerplant
Sub - Light Propulsion4 x SSE Gemin-6 Heavy Ion Engines (Primary), 2 x SSE Capri-2 Ion Engine (Secondary), 2 x Fulmin Propulsion 3Mu Ion Engine Nacelles (Secondary)
Supra-Light Propulsion:2 x SSE 37-G2 supra-luminal drive core (Primary), 1 x SSE 28-y supra-luminal drive core (Secondary)
Endurance:Fuel for 18 lightspeed jumps, 6 months of provisions for the crew
Crew:966 officers, 9,856 enlisted
Sensors:4 x Cianave Systems GXr Active Sensor Arrays, 4 x Cianave Systems 64r Passive Sensor Arrays
Armament:20 x 3 305mm rail guns in triple mounted turrets, 24 x 2 203mm rail guns in double turrets, 20 x 2 127mm rail guns in double turrets, 30 x 3 30 mm rotary point defense cannons in triple barreled weapons stations. 432 x vertical launch cells with a configurable loadout of up to 1300 missiles depending on mission requirements
Armor250 mm titanium plate armor, 150 mm electric reactive armor layer, 100 mm double hull cavity, 75 mm composite armor
Spacecraft Facilities:Capacity to support 2 squadrons of fighters and 6 shuttles (30 craft total)

Designed as a cruiser killer, the Teorza was the first major capital ship to be designed following the discovery of the Ascomanni. Created by the CID Future Concepts Division, it was intended to address the deficiency in Umbrian capital ships vis-a-vie their larger Ascomanni counterparts.

While a Folca-class heavy cruiser would be hard pressed to fight an Asco cruiser to a draw, the Teorza was purpose built to be able to quickly destroy such a vessel. As such, the vessel brimmed with offensive armament, including sixty 305mm main guns. All that firepower required more power, and even after extending the vessel's frame to 1.2 kilometers, the CID's designers struggled to fit everything in.

The result was a vessel that prioritized offensive armament over durability and range: in many respects its capabilities were the same as or similar to the Folcas.

Despite these limitations, the URN was desperate for additional capital ships. The Teorza was rushed into production, and a group of experts from the Naval Architecture Board helped the Navy's shipyards streamline production of the vessel while using the same slips used to produce heavy cruisers.

As the class began to make its way to the front, it experienced a period of startling success, quickly proving its worth in a number of different fleet engagements. The battlecruiser was more than a match for most Asco capital ships in a one on one duels, and its firepower greatly improved the URN's success in small scale fleet engagements.

However, when outnumbered, the Teorza's slight improvement in protection over the Folca-class heavy cruisers still left it vulnerable. Even a relatively small number of Asco destroyers could overwhelm a vessel, though not without experiencing significant losses of their own.

These drawbacks aside, the Teorzas quickly became a favorite of the URN's commanders. Captaining a battlecruiser became a mark of advancement, and they came to be seen as a surefire ticket to commanding larger vessels. In 31151, the Navy would order another 60 to supplement the initial run of 30 vessels.

As the conflict ground on, tactics regarding the use of the class were continuously refined, while minor modifications were made to the class itself. Often seen flanking the larger Corsialto-class battleships, they would be the sword to the battleships' more well protected shield.  They would quickly surpass all but the Corsialtos in tonnage of enemy vessels destroyed.

As more reports rolled in of the vessels' success, the War Council finally dared to hope that they may be on the verge of turning the tide of the war in space.


Corsialto-Class Battleship


Folca-Class Heavy Cruiser