Corsialto-Class Battleship

Type:Large Fleet Combatant
Builders:Consolidated Shipyards, Safe Haven Naval Yard, Others
Operators:Umbrian Republic Navy
Length:1645 m
Width:690 m
Height:365 m
Power Supply:12 x Orvieto Heavy Industries DR-22e Fusion Powerplants
Sub - Light Propulsion1 x Fulmin Propulsion Ki-Series Ion Engine (Primary), 6 x Fulmin Propulsion Eq-Series Ion Engines (Secondary)
Supra-Light Propulsion:2 x SSE 37-G2 supra-luminal drive core (Primary), 2 x SSE 32-d supra-luminal drive cores (Secondary)
Endurance:Fuel for 28 lightspeed jumps, 6 months of provisions for the crew
Crew:1,112 officers, 12,965 enlisted
Sensors:2 x Cianave Systems Gamma-12 Active Sensor Arrays, 2 x Cianave Systems Eta-6 Active Sensor Arrays, 4 x Cianave Systems 64r Passive Sensor Arrays
Armament:12 x 3 406mm rail guns in twelve triple turrets, 40 x 2 203mm rail guns in forty double turrets, 44 x 76mm dual-purpose rail guns in single turrets, 648 x vertical launch cells with a configurable loadout of up to 3,400 missiles depending on mission requirements
Armor400 mm titanium plate armor, 150 mm electric reactive armor layer, 300 mm double hull cavity, 150 mm composite armor
Spacecraft Facilities:Capacity to support 3 squadrons of fighters and 12 shuttles (48 craft total)

Awe inspiring in its scale and destructive power, the Corsialto-class battleship was the titan of pre-war Umbrian starship design and engineering. At over a kilometer and a half-long, it would be the largest warship produced by the Republic in the run up to the Ascomanni conflict, and it bristled with enough heavy guns and missiles to obliterate nearly anything it would come up against.

The Corsialto's design originated with the Folca-class heavy cruiser, but was lengthened and enlarged to accommodate the massive internal workings required to support almost forty super heavy rail guns and over one hundred and twenty secondary and tertiary guns.

Powering its main armament and primary defensive systems required a dozen OHI fusion reactors, while it is propelled through space by seven massive ion drives, including a Fulmin Ki-Series, the largest such engine ever developed until the inception of the Doramine-class supercarriers in 31152.

When added together, these factors made the Corsialto one of the most effective warships produced for the URN: heavily armed, surprisingly maneuverable, and remarkably resilient to punishment.

An initial order of sixty-five vessels was approved as part of a naval appropriations bill passed by the Senate in 31144.  Production would be slow at first, as the Republic's shipbuilders scrambled to accommodate the vessel's impressive size. Consolidated Shipyards, being closely involved in the expansion of their original design, was quick to capitalize, and secured a contract for thirty of the vessels. The remainder were dispersed amongst other yards.

In a break from Navy tradition, which assigned the names of ancient deities to the fleets' largest warships, the first ship of the class would be named the Bantia, in honor of the woman who championed the class's creation.

When the Ascomanni arrived, the last of the initial order of ships were just completing their shakedown cruises. Several would participate in the first battles of the war, where they proved their value as individual combatants.

The URN's immature naval doctrine would prove limiting in their effectiveness however, as they were often separated out individually into taskforces as command ships, where they were dependent on smaller capital ships to serve as primary combatants. The dispersal of the Corsialtos' combat power would lead to significant loses amongst the first batch of battleships.

More would be ordered as the Republic began to slowly expand its wartime manufacturing, and improvements in tactics which saw the concentration of the fleets' heavy assets would likewise improve their impact on the battlefield.

However, given the time required to produce the massive vessels, and the limited number of facilities capable of managing their construction, it remains to be seen whether the Corsialtos can start to reverse the steady stream of naval defeats coming from the Frontier.


Nascovo-Class Fleet Carrier


Teorza-Class Battlecruiser