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Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex Surveillance Transcripts Kaiyos Lex

Discussion Between the Triumvirs

A. Eppia: "We cannot keep this news a secret! The Oracle warned us that this day would come. We cannot expect this storm to merely pass us by!"

V. Sestius: "Eppia, I understand, but what would a public announcement do at this point? It would only incite panic. We must find out what we are truly dealing with so that we can arm the people with facts, not wild accusations from terrified survivors!"

A. Eppia: "Accusations? A colony has be destroyed Vibius!"

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News Articles Kaiyos Lex News Articles Kaiyos Lex

AFS Loses Contact with Frontier Settlement

Axios Frontier Solutions submitted a Form-423d regulatory filing to the Colonial Affairs Commission today, informing the CAC that they had lost contact with their facilities on the distant Frontier world of Battipaglia.

As the Republic's corporate presence expands deeper into the Frontier, Senate regulations require all corporations operating in the region to notify the Commission of any disruptions to regular communication within twenty-four hours of the last received transmission.

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Comms Intercepts Kaiyos Lex Comms Intercepts Kaiyos Lex

Green Light to Establish Colonial Militia

Prefect Erucia,

I just finished speaking with Triumvir Ulpius. He is confident that we have the votes in the Senate to secure funding for our program. You have the green light to begin training a civilian militia of up to four thousand members. I've already submitted procurement orders for the arms and armor needed to outfit this force.

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