Prefect Invictus Flaminus

Prefect Flaminus_Int.jpg
NameInvictus Flaminus
Date of Birth19.2.31125
Planet of OriginVenezia
AffiliationUmbrian Republic Army

Invictus Flaminus is a skilled tactician and soldier who serves as the leader of Praetor Gaius Aurelius Marcellus's praetorian guard unit. Having worked his way through the ranks of the Umbrian Republic Army during the early years of the war, Invictus has been tested in multiple engagements, including the difficult and pyrrhic victory at Varese. It would be on Varese that Invictus would build a strong bond with Marcellus, and he would immediately join the latter's command upon his promotion.

Invictus, or Vic as he preferred to be called by his close associates, was born on the inner world of Venezia, the Republic's financial capital. He would enjoy a comfortable childhood. His mother ran the planet's main spaceport, while his father was an investment banker and consultant.

It would be his father who exposed him to the immeasurable beauty of outer space. The elder Flaminus would take his son with him on his business trips, often visiting the more industrial worlds of the Republic.

It would be on a trip to Orvieto that Invictus would see his first warship, a massive battleship which was under construction in the planet's orbital shipyards. The sight would leave an impression, and the young boy was smitten with the power and grandeur of the Republic's military.

Invictus would receive a standard education, augmented by his mother's lessons on the Republic's history and founding principles. He would be drawn to these high ideals, and his parents actively encouraged him to consider service in the Republic military.

Craving adventure and yearning to be a part of something bigger than himself, Invictus applied to and was accepted into the military academy on Umbria.

Finding themselves with an empty nest, his parents would retire from their jobs and purchase a starship, determined to explore the fringes of Republic space. Invictus stayed close to his parents as they began their own journey, communicating regularly.

One week in his second year at the academy, that would come to a sudden end. A distress beacon would be detected, but by the time the Reaction Force reached his parent's ship, it was too late.

Invictus took the death of his parents hard, but the friends he had made at the academy did not allow him to lose sight of the man he aspired to be. Upon graduation, he followed the majority of his peers into the mobile infantry, spending time at the legendary ORD on Ozenuzo before joining his first unit.

Invictus's legion would be part of Triumvir Taurus's command, and they would first see combat during the battle of Tivoli. While the Umbrians would fight hard to resist the alien assault, the Ascomanni proved overwhelming. Invictus offered to stay behind to fight in the rear-guard, but his commanding officer, Lucius Vetus, insisted that he evacuate with his remaining soldiers.

Over the next few years, Invictus would see more combat, including at the battles of Leciri and Varese. After the successful evacuation of Leciri, Invictus would be promoted to the legion's headquarters. Having suffered heavy casualties, the legion was rebuilt with fresh recruits and dispatched to the mining world of Varese. They were to use the opportunity to train up their new soldiers and return to full fighting strength.

An unexpected and sudden attack on the planet would end what was meant to be an easy assignment.

Invictus would quickly build a strong relationship with the commanding officer of the Ninety-Third, Gaius Aurelius Marcellus. As the situation on the planet deteriorated, Legate Aurelius would order the remaining defenders into the deep mining tunnels and craggy ravines of the planet, where they would wage a guerrilla war against the occupying force.

As supplies of food and water dwindled, Invictus and Marcellus would hatch one final scheme. They would assault the Ascomanni command facility, and send a detailed report on their campaign back to High Command.

Together, the pair breached the command center, the pair confronted the hulking Ascomanni general who had lead the opposing forces. After a brief but brutal battle, the pair defeated the alien officer, and successfully sent their message home.

Upon receiving the message, the Republic deployed significant resources to the planet to retrieve the surviving soldiers, and the battered remnants of Varese's defenders returned home to a hero's welcome.

When Marcellus was promoted to Praetor, he approached Vic, asking him to lead his praetorians. Despite their close relationship, Flaminus initially balked, until Marcellus promised that the unit would still see plenty of action. Satisfied that he wasn't destined to babysit the Praetor's headquarters, Invictus agreed, and within a few months, he was bound for Aetnaeus on their next assignment.


Prefect Valerian Barbatius


Praetor Gaius Aurelius